Pastor Gary and his wife Donna moved to Anchorage in July 2020 from Tennessee. They have three adult children and three grandchildren. Gary has been in pastoral ministry for over 25 years, serving in Tennessee and Alaska. As Pastor, he sees the need to reach, teach and disciple people. In his own words, he is excited for First Baptist Church as they "catch the vision and grow in the Lord. Seeing the members love God and love each other" is how the great need in Alaska will be filled.
Gary Moats | senior Pastor
DUSTIN AND AMBER GAMBLE | Youth Ministry directors
Dustin Gamble has lived and worked in Alaska for ten years. His wife, Amber, was born and raised here. They have two little girls. Dustin and Amber have been members of FBC for two years, and became the Youth Ministry Directors in June 2022. They met in a youth group, and as it grew, began working with the youth themselves. Dustin and Amber love working with the youth, and look forward to growing the youth group and seeing it thrive as FBC is revitalized.
kyle miller | Deacon
Kyle and his wife Steffanie are life long Alaskans and have five children. He has attended FBC since birth, and has been a member almost as long. Previously, he has been active in TV broadcast ministry, choir and praise team, and currently serves as a deacon. Kyle has a heart for people and enjoys being available to be used by God. In his own words, he is "excited to see our existing church members coming together and also for the new folks the Lord is leading to be part of our church. The connection and relationship we have also developed with other churches in our city and state brings me joy in anticipating how the Lord may use us to hopefully begin a transformation in our communities.
Mark dooley | Deacon
Mark and his wife Shirley have been married 49 years and have four children and seven grandchildren. He has served as Church Meeting Moderator since January 2020 and has served as a Deacon since March 2022. He desires to be "all in" where God is working and is passionate about meeting new people at church and helping them feel welcome. In his own words, "I'm excited about and for the Pastor's vision for this church. It will take all of us to accomplish the near term objectives. As one of Blackaby's Principles of the Body states, "Members of the body need every other member of the body."
Joseph, his wife Rachel, and their two daughters are life long Alaskans who have been involved in ministry for more than four years. He currently serves as a ministry support for the Pastor and is passionate about encouraging and helping others grow in their personal relationship with Christ. He sees the opportunity for First Baptist Church to be "a Christian influence in the downtown community of Anchorage, Alaska" and share "the gospel of Jesus Christ."
David Nye | Deacon
David and his wife, Shirley,
Shirley nye | Children's Ministry Director
Shirley and her husband, David